When thirteen-year-old Ali spends the summer with her aunt and cousin at the family's vacation home, she stumbles upon a secret her mother and aunt have been hiding for over 30 years.
7 Sept 2010
This book has that good cover thing going for it...I bet every kid at our school has asked, at least once, "Do you have any scary books?" This looks like it would be it, don't you think? I've never read a Mary Downing Hahn book...have you? Take a look at the Google books preview to see if it gives you the chills like it did me...
26 Sept 2010
(Thanks for the link to the digital booktalk, Mrs. B.! The music is chilling. If you didn't want to read the book before that music, you might be too scared to read it now!)
I. Love. This. Book.
It gave me the creeps- and I had to turn on all the lights when I went to bed after I finished reading it! Not only is this a GREAT ghost story, but it has a great mystery element... I would be interested to know when readers figured it out...
And here is a great digital booktalk:
Mrs. Butcher
Lemme Library
I. Love. This. Book.
It gave me the creeps- and I had to turn on all the lights when I went to bed after I finished reading it! Not only is this a GREAT ghost story, but it has a great mystery element... I would be interested to know when readers figured it out...
And here is a great digital booktalk:
Mrs. Butcher
Lemme Library
If the beginning seems a little slow, stick with it, because when you meet Sissy it gets so much better. We read this together in 5/6 oral lit and even the students who had read it earlier liked listening to it again!
I think it is a good book. Partly because I like mysreries. so if you don't, this isn't for you.
I like Mrs. Deprenger's comment about sticking with the slow start...sometimes I have a hard time continuing with a book that doesn't grab my attention right away...unless of course someone forewarns me...then I can keep reading. Would you agree, AS, that there is a slow start to this book?
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