24 August 2010

Satch and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure - Dan Gutman

Many claim Satchel Paige was the fastest pitcher in the history of the game. With radar gun in tow, Stosh and his coach travel back to 1942 and watch Satch pitch in the Negro League World Series.

8 Sept 2010
The first book I read in this series was Honus and Me. (Wikipedia is a great up-to-date site...it's just a good way to get basic facts, maybe not something to use as a main source.) It is historical fiction, and I learned tons from the early 1900s time period. I'm sure you would learn lot from Satch and Me - another of Gutman's baseball card adventure series. Do you have any background knowledge about Satchel Paige before you even start this book?


Anonymous said...

We are currently reading this book in class and I think it is pretty good. If you like baseball and baseball history you would probley like this book.



I would agree, HEF. I learned so much from reading this book and others in the series. I think I might even say if you like history in general you'd like this book. Great comment!