24 August 2010

The Willoughbys - Lois Lowry

The Willoughby children set out to become "deserving orphans" after their neglectful parents embark on a treacherous around-the-world adventure, leaving them in the care of an odious nanny.

7 Sept 2010
I am not sure why I haven't yet, but I have wanted to read this book for a long time - is it the cover? The author (author of Number the Stars and The Giver)? The idea of kids being left with a nanny? It is supposed to be a funny story, which surprised some of the Lowry fans out there...her books are always so...serious. Have you read this book? Any of Lowry's other books? Be on the lookout for references to other orphan titles and characters because this book is filled with them. (I think those orphan references would go over my head!)


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see all the comments left by Mrs. W.'s students!
Ms. R.

Anonymous said...

3W enjoyed this book for Oral Lit. We have a connection to another Oral Lit. book we are reading right now. It is called The Series of Unfortunate Events and the main characters in that book are orphans just like the main characters in The Willoughbys.

We give The Willoughbys 5 out of 5 stars!